Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the product?
My final product compaired to my preliminary, there is a lot of differences as in the preliminary the camera was very shakey and the door scene was very bad, because if you watch it it looks like he stops half way entering the room whcih you dont see in a professional film.
Also the final product is a lot better because we spent more time editing that but all in all it was good.
The top picture is our finished film and the bottom one is our preliminary, as you can see in our finished film our actor had alot more confident as he got used to being infront of the camera. Whereas in the bottom picture which was our preliminary the actor wasnt confident and was abit scared because that was the first time he was put under the spot light, as we used a close up shot.
This is my preliminary task as you can see i was getting used to useing the camera, and the editing software which at first was just a maze.
This is my courswork film, now as you can see as time went on i got better with the camera ad using diffrent shots and angle. And also when it came to editing my film i founf it alot easier as i knew where evreything was and learnt from my previous experience from my preliminary task.
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