Saturday 5 March 2011

Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the product?

My final product compaired to my preliminary, there is a lot of differences as in the preliminary the camera was very shakey and the door scene was very bad, because if you watch it it looks like he stops half way entering the room whcih you dont see in a professional film.

Also the final product is a lot better because we spent more time editing that but all in all it was good.

The top picture is our finished film and the bottom one is our preliminary, as you can see in our finished film our actor had alot more confident as he got used to being infront of the camera. Whereas in the bottom picture which was our preliminary the actor wasnt confident and was abit scared because that was the first time he was put under the spot light, as we used a close up shot.

This is my preliminary task as you can see i was getting used to useing the camera, and the editing software which at first was just a maze.

This is my courswork film, now as you can see as time went on i got better with the camera ad using diffrent shots and angle. And also when it came to editing my film i founf it alot easier as i knew where evreything was and learnt from my previous experience from my preliminary task.

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When i was making my film i decided to use a wide range of shots so like close up, long shots, over he shoulder shot and many more. It was a good thing that i used so many diffrent shots because that will keep the audience thinking alot about the background and where it is.

When it came to editing my film i used Final cut Express which at first was abit tricky but then after a while got used to it finding shortcuts on the keyboard and such. Same with the Camera at first i found it had to use it and keep it steady through out scenes, but then it all came to me because we had to do sh many shots as we never got it right first time round. Survey Monkey was easy to use because yo basically put your question in to the system chose hoy you want it, so drop down menu or a tick box.

Ive learnt alot of things by using these techonlogy and also gaines alot of skils on how to use the camera and edit films on the computer and such and maybe later i would have the skill to make my own films.
I used Facebook to post my questionaire and for audience feed back. This was handy because i have alot of people on facebook that i can ask to do my survey and questionaire and to watch the film and give me feedback people.
I used live type to help me do my titles for the film and the put the characters name in the film. This is just like Final cut express but you just create by using words and it has the affects on the side so we didnt waste our time trying to figure out how to we should have our affect.
The tripod came in handy because it meant that we was able to keep the camera steady. Also because the legs are adjustable it meant that we was able to film at difficult angles which came in handy during the scene in the dark alley.
Final cut express was using because this is the software in which we edited our film and there we so much that came in handy as it had dissolve and fade inetc.

 We used survey monkey to create our questionaire and to make our audience feed back.

Youtube is where we uploaded our film, and also got most of our views. Also because the world can see we asked for input and what we can improve on in our next film.

We used the camrea to record our film. This was useful because it meant that we was able to go back and view the clips and see if we need to record it again.  

 They came in handy because i used the camera to record the film and final cut express to edit the film, and when i was finally done i uploaded it to youtube. I also used Facebook to post my survey monkey so people on my friends list was able to do my survey and i also used it so i can get audience feedback from people after they watched my film. I used live type to help me with my title and the names in the films as it was very easy to use because you just typed the name and selected the font and it did it for you. The tri-pod held the camera for us, which is why we found it easy to do steady shots, also it came in handy when doing different camera angles and setting the camera in awkward position because the tripod legs were adjustable.

Overall i feel like I’ve gained alot of skills using different software’s and next time i come to using the camera and final cut express i will feel a lot more comfortable.

Question 5

How did you Attract your audience?

The way i attracted people to watch my video was by posting it on Facebook etc.
My thriller hold the audience’s attention very well with enigmas, as they our killer is a very mysterious guy and when he hurts his victim the audience doesn’t really know what or how he hurt the victim, and i think that keeps the audience attention. Another thing that keeps their attention is the fact the girl is a school girl and she goes to find out that she has been set up by someone that she may not know. Also at the end of the film we leave it on a cliff hanger because we fade the film out when the girl screams, leaving the audience to think what has happened to her? Is she ok?   They would want to keep watching after the two minutes because they want to know why he doing thing.

They would want to watch the film because my film builds tension and shows what can happen if you not care full. I think the audience would want to watch my film as we leave when te girl screams and really dont know what happens to her. And at when the two minutes is finished we leave a cliff hanger behind and i think that is what would want to make people to watch on and see what happens. The location was good as well because we filmed it in a dark place favouring the psycho.

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Looking at my film i think that the target audience is between the age range of 15-20 as people of that age range like to watch scary films and they like to excited. i know this because when i looked back at my survey monkey that is what the results showed as i posted my survey on Facebook.

This is the result I got from my survey monkey.

The second method i used to get more feedback was from Facebook as i asked people to give feedback.

I think people would watch my film because it is like any other thriller as it has a psycho that goes around killing people. Also you never really get to see how they kill someone until the final victim which is what we created in our thriller as the first innocent person got hurt but we never saw how, and the final person we did a little bit but you have to watch the whole film.

Friday 4 March 2011

Question 3

Question- What kind of media institution might disturbs your media product and why?

The distribution company that we decided to chose was Film Four because they produce and distribute films, also as they pick films that aren't known very well or films that aren't made by big companies like Warner Brothers. So there will be more chance that our film gets picked by them than if i send my film to a big company then there would be less chance that it would get picked.

The way that i feel would be best for my film would be to put it straight to cinema because that way I’ll be making some money from it but then after a while ill will put it on DVD as people like thrillers so they might decide to buy it and keep it.

My reason for distributing the film like that is because i feel like that way it will make some money but also it will go up the chain slowly, also get people to buy the film. Also another reason for me choosing to put it in the cinema is because when you watch something in the cinema you get a different feeling than you would if you were watching at home. As in the cinema you have the surround sound that makes you feel like you part of the film.

If I was to put my thriller on the internet first then that would be a bad idea because no knows about it yet so it won’t get that many views, but if I was to distribute my movie in cinema first then people that like thrillers will go to watch it. And they will take there friends along and if they like it then they’ll tell other people to go watch it getting more views. Also the technology in cinema would help as well because with surround sound it makes more exciting to watch.

Question 2

How does you Media product represent particular social groups?

My film in Particular represents Gender as the male in my film is being represented as the bad people as both male show that they have anger problem but only one person is truly powerful in the film and the girl is an easy target. This is representing male dominance as the girl gets lured into the trap you hear the girl scream showing that she is weak.

Also these two kids were friends but the boy becomes a psycho and goes on a killing spree.

Young people in our film are shown differently as one person has no felling as they are the psycho and the normal person is the person that has a heart as they go to check it out. But in our film they are shown in a positive and a negative way as some teenagers have no feelings for other like the killer. But some teenagers are just looking for a good time as the girl picks up a poster thinking it’s a good sporting event.

In this scene you see that our antagonist wears a long jacket and that represents the goths. You can see this because he is in all black and also on the inside of his jacket is the color red and that represents danger and blood. 

In this screen shot you can see that the victim in normal everyday cloths and at one one point goes to put her head down, showing that is scared this represents the quiet children that get bullied a lot and get into difficult situation. 

Thursday 3 March 2011

Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My film is about a psycho who used to be normal but ended up becoming who he is and kills or hurts people for fun thinking its normal.

The conventions of a Thriller Genre stuff like Enigma, Macguffin and Red Hearing. An Enigma is a puzzle that films makers like Alfred Hitchcock likes to put in his films as he likes to challenge his audience. A MacGuffin is when the Director makes a situation and leaves the audience think that's the problem and and the whole story goes later to find out that thats not the problem as its something else. And a Red Herring is a rhetorical question. Knowing this knowledge we decided to put a MacGuffin in our film as we thought to put a a situation in the film.

I would say that our film is a bit similar to most thriller as it has a psycho just like most thriller's do. Also it has a innocent person that cant help her self and doesn't what is going on.        

These Two images are similar as you see both of them looking at the camera very scary. This is what gave us inspiration to have a scene like that in our film. We decided to use this because in these shots you can see that they are scary and a psycho. With our film we zoomed into the psycho face to show his face and who he is. The hair style was also inspired as we wanted to make the hair as messy as possible just like Michael  Jackson's hair in his video Thriller.

Here is another scene which is the same because you both victims walking away from the camera. This is also gave us inspiration because is most thrillers you see the victim walking away in some way. The similarities between the two is that they both have a bag.