Thursday 25 November 2010

Preliminary Exercise - drug deal gone bad

In our preliminary exercise we decided to do a drug deal that went a bit wrong. In our video we used a different range of shots including a pan, static shot and a close up. The pan in this clip was smooth as i used the tripod, also the static shot was very steady as you couldn't tell if it was free hand. Although we used all these shots there was a problem, when filming the video we didn't get the door that accurate. As it looked like there was a a mini jump cut, this wasn't supposed to be in the video.

In the video the sound wasn't the best because we didn't use the proper sound equipment which was mics. So when it comes to the thriller we would make sure that we use the proper sound equipment.

The setting for the drug deal wasn't perfect because the drug deal was taken in broad daylight, also in a classroom, where as a real drug deal would take place at night and in a dark alley where no can see them.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Todays lesson

In todays lesson we used the camera to make a mini video, although it may sound easy making a mini video it was alilltle bit hard because we had o come up with a idea. Then when we was filming it we had to find a room that was free and use diffrent techniques in filming so may be use a close up and midshots. We also hade to make the video flow so when it came to editing we would find it easy, so before we started to record we had a practise take to see how it would come out. But we all still had fun when we was recording.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Video analysis of a video from last year

In lesson we watched films that were made by past students and i noticed a lot of similarities between them as they all had stalkers that wore hoodies. So my group decided not to have any hoodies in our films.