Thursday 21 October 2010

Audience Research

From our video a lot of people said that the suspense in a thriller was the best bit of the movie. From the five people that we asked about there favourite thriller film they gave different answers as some people liked scary films and others like films like Speed. Also the people that we interviewed  also like the MaGuffin and red hearings that Alfred Hichcock was known for.

video analysis

I think our video came out good as you are able to hear the voices clearly thanks to the mic that we used. We didn't cut any one out, what i mean by that is that know one was off the shot or half of there body missing. Although we did struggle to get small people into the frame as we wanted to stay as close as we can. But we managed it. The only problem that i would say is that we maybe should have recorded from a different angle because is some cases we cant see our presenters face, this was due to the sun light but that was our fault for not noticing that. I think the audience would like it because we have some funny moment in the video.

Analysis of the interview and filming

In todays lesson we learnt how to use the camera and today we had to ask the audience some questions. these are the three question. The question we asked were 1. What is your favourite thriller?  2. what do you like about the thriller Genre?  3. What makes a great thriller?. So every person we interviewed we asked those question, we got good feedback from those questions. From that i learnt how to control the camera and use it effectively. we also chose to film outside because we thought that filming inside would be dull and very boring, so we decided to film outside for better lighting.

Rilwan Louise and Mohammed youtube copy

Friday 8 October 2010

Camera Work

In todays lesson we leant how to use a camera and all the diffrent features and shot, and how diffrent shots can give diffrent meanings. Today we did a interveiw asking people questions abot there favourite and what they like about it. We also learnt what Vox Pop ment, that is latin for Voice of people.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

THE RING Trailer

My favourite thriller

I think that my favourite thriller has to be "The Ring" because its about a mother who pushed her daughter down the well and recorded. Who ever watched the video will die in 7 days and the new family that moved in watched it and slowly one by one were dying. Also the little girl comes out of the T.V and kills them. 

Monday 4 October 2010

What is MacGuffin,Enigma and Red herring?

A MacGuffn

The MacGuffin is common in films, especially thrillers. Commonly, though not always, the MacGuffin is the central focus of the film in the first act, and then declines in importance as the struggles and motivations of characters play out. It may come back into play at the climax of the story, but sometimes the MacGuffin is actually forgotten by the end of the film.


An enigma is a type of riddle generally expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language that requires ingenuity and careful thinking for its solution.

Red hearing

A red herring refers to a device or diversion used to distract the onlooker from the original idea. Red herrings are often seen in films, adventure games, and puzzles. However, the most common use for a red herring is in literature, especially mystery and thriller stories. Simply put, a red herring is an item which has no use in the story except to distract the reader from the real culprit. The red herring can take the form of a character, which the reader may believe to be the killer, only to discover later that he is innocent. Or it can take the form of an item which readers believe to be the clue to a discovery, but which turns out to be worthless.

There are some basic rules that a thriller has to follow, some are like it has to have a twist, suspence and dead people. Also most thrillers start with a calm beginning makeing it look ok but then something happens and the stroy will start.

Analysis Of Film Openings

Children of Men

This was the first film that we watched in class, and the first 4 minutes was the protagonist walking into the cafe and he sees everyone watching the news. The big news was that the youngest person died at the age of 18. So he walk through the crowd gets his coffee walks out then the cafe blows and you see a women walking out with her arm in her arm. the thing that made me want to wath the film more because i wanted to find out who blew up the cafe.


This is a film that goes backwards because it tells the story from the end. They also use black and white to show the present time and what he is thinking. the thing that makes this film a thriller is that they are both partners and yet one kills the other. That is what the stroy line is based on, this film also has a inigma. the thing that makes the audience want to keep watching is that at one point it says on the picture that "Teddy killed his wife".

The history of Violence

From the beggining of this film it looks normal, the two that are having a conversation sounded normal. There was no urgency in there voice. But then one goes away for a breif moment then comes back sending the other guy for water, then we discoverd that these two are murderers and one of them killes a little girl showing how heartless they are. This makes the audience want to watch more because they want to find out why they killed the people in the motel.
A History of Violence Poster